The final show of our Summer series is a group show, featuring works by 12+ artists, some regulars and some guests.
In true Woolff Gallery style, the works exhibited are mostly created using unusual mediums or techniques, often numerous elements come together to compose a piece of work. For example Russell West's 'HAPPENING' artwork is a hoard of his signature paint strips, all mounted one on top of the other in a joyfully bright creation. With rich and sumptuous glossy colours, this piece exudes a sense of warmth and celebration.
Also on display are Ryan Matcham's works created from the combed plastic of beach clean-ups, all found on the island of Bermuda. Ryan and his partner would spend time every day cleaning their local beaches, sadly they found a lot more plastic than is incorporated into the sea pieces. These works are well composed and striking, and offer a stark reminder to us all about what happens to the plastic dumped in our oceans.
We also have a colourful London scene from Tommy Penton, a CORAL work from Valeria Nascimento, some of Patrick Boyd's new selfie stick series lenticular prints, Jack Tanners SCREW TIME, which is a functioning clock inspiring us all to take a break, and plenty of other stunning artworks all with a nod to Summer
See below for a full catalogue of images showing pieces in this exhibition, we have additional works by the artists on the gallery, so please contact us with any enquiries. Please click on the images below to enlarge, them and please get in touch if you require any additional images or information about any of the works.
'The Unusual Library'
Freestanding paper installation inside perspex case, with wooden base
123 x 14 x 67cm